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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Steps to Protect Your Vehicle During Severe Weather

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

Living in areas prone to severe weather, such as storms or hurricanes, means taking extra precautions to protect your property. While much attention is often given to securing homes, it's equally essential to protect your vehicle from the potential damage caused by these extreme conditions. Here are some practical tips to ensure your car stays safe during severe weather:

Park in a Safe Location

Whenever possible, park your vehicle in a garage or carport to shield it from the elements. If a garage isn't available, consider parking under sturdy structures like awnings or overhangs to provide some protection.

Avoid Parking Under Trees

During storms with high winds, branches or even entire trees can fall, causing significant damage to parked vehicles. Whenever possible, avoid parking under trees, especially those showing signs of weakness or instability.

Use Car Covers

Invest in a high-quality car cover to shield your vehicle from hail, heavy rain, or flying debris during severe weather events. Make sure the cover fits securely and is designed to withstand strong winds.

Keep Windows Closed

Before a storm hits, ensure all windows are tightly closed to prevent water damage to the interior of your vehicle. If possible, park with the front of your car facing the direction of the wind to reduce the risk of water seeping in through door seals.

Secure Loose Items

Remove any loose objects from both the interior and exterior of your vehicle, as they can become projectiles during high winds. Items like roof racks, bike racks, or antennas should be securely fastened or removed altogether.

Check Your Insurance Coverage

Review your auto insurance policy to understand what type of weather-related damage is covered. Consider adding comprehensive coverage if you live in an area prone to severe weather to ensure your vehicle is protected against various risks.

By taking proactive measures to protect your car during severe weather, you can minimize the risk of costly damage and ensure your vehicle remains safe and functional when you need it most. Stay informed about upcoming weather events and be prepared to implement these tips to protect your valuable assets.

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